13 Signs Someone Is Pushing You Away When You’re Trying to Be Close

You think you’re in a happy relationship. But now you’ve noticed signs someone is pushing you away. Is this person pushing you away on purpose?

Your relationship has been going well. You see your partner often. You are affectionate and loving towards each other, what’s wrong with that? Nothing! But you’ve noticed a change in your partner. Could it be the signs someone is pushing you away?

Something feels a little off. You’re not quite sure what it is. Maybe they’re just stressed with work or exams. Or maybe it’s something else.

Now, you don’t want to jump to conclusions right away without looking at the signs. If you notice more than a couple of these signs in your relationship, your partner could be pushing you away. It’s not what anyone wants to hear, but it’s important you find out what’s going on.

[Read: Here’s how to recognize if your partner is emotionally distant and what to do about it]

13 signs someone is pushing you away

If you think your partner is pushing you away, then it’s time you spoke up. I know you don’t want to address it, who honestly does? There’s always the fear of them breaking up with you, but how can you stay with them if they’re treating you like this?

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It’s a tough spot to be in, but you need to take care of yourself. So, before talking to them, look at these signs someone is pushing you away to help you get a better idea of what may be going on.

#1 There’s no more affection. Now, I’m not talking about sex. I’m assuming that whatever was happening in the bedroom has completely stopped. But now, your partner isn’t even touching you. There’s no hugging, no kissing, no nothing. Once the affection has stopped, then you know something is going on. [Read: A lack of affection in a relationship – Is it time to walk away?]

#2 They don’t listen to you. When you talk to them, they don’t really seem like they’re listening. Before, when you would tell them about your day, they would take an interest. But now, it seems like a huge inconvenience to them to even hear what you have to say.

#3 They avoid you. You call them, but it takes them hours to call you back. And when you do get a hold of them, there’s not much of a conversation. You ask to hang out, but there’s always a reason as to why they can’t. If they’re avoiding you, it’s for a good reason and one that you need to investigate. [Read: How to handle the sting of resentment in a relationship and overcome it]

#4 You’ve suddenly become forced to read minds. Your partner used to tell you how they were feeling and things going on in their life, but now, you’ve been forced to become a mind reader.

You spend your time trying to guess what they’re thinking and why they’re feeling that way. This isn’t a good sign. No relationship should make you feel like you need to read their mind. 

#5 You feel something’s changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know something is up. When you’re around them, you don’t feel the love and affection you once shared, and that’s a big problem. No matter what you do or how you try to make them feel good, nothing seems to work. It’s not you; it’s them. [Read: 10 steps to reignite the lost spark in a relationship]

#6 They no longer communicate with you. You are still talking, barely, and when you do talk, it’s very shallow. They’re no longer telling you about the personal things going on in their life; instead, they keep the conversation very basic and simple. It makes you wonder why.

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#7 They spend more time alone. Well, at least that’s what they tell you. Whenever you check in with them, they’re always doing something on their own. Now, this wouldn’t be strange if they were always like this, but they weren’t. They changed recently, and something is going on.

#8 You bicker a lot. You’re not sure what the argument was even about, and it keeps happening again and again. Whatever you say, they rip it apart and find a way to get angry at you. They’re clearly frustrated about something and taking it out on you. [Read: How to recognize the signs a relationship is over and pull the plug]

#9 They’re into their phones. You would almost never look at your phones when hanging out together. But now, you can’t get your partner to get off their phone; it’s like they’re glued to it. And if this has become something that’s suddenly happened, you need to ask what’s going on.

#10 They ask for a break. Well, if someone asks to go on a break, they’re basically waiting to break up with you. I remember asking my old boyfriend for a break because I didn’t know how to break up with him. So, if they ask for a break and you’ve seen other signs on this list, the relationship is coming to an end. [Read: The beginning of the end: What is a break in a relationship exactly?]

#11 They keep their distance. They used to come over and hang out with you during the week, but now, they’re suddenly too busy to spend time with you. They don’t send you good morning text messages either, everything has been pulled back drastically… there’s a good reason for that.

#12 They seem like they’re off in another world. When you’re around them, they’re not in the moment with you. Instead, their mind is off in a completely different world. They’re zoning out and looking like they have their mind on something or someone else. What’s going on? [Read: The 20 revealing signs you might be growing apart in your relationship]

#13 They blame you for everything. You didn’t know you could make so many mistakes without actually doing anything, but this is what happens when someone’s too weak to break up with you, so they try to push you away instead. They blame you for everything and anything. They’re trying to find an out.

[Read: 25 topics all couples need to talk about in a happy relationship]

After seeing these signs someone is pushing you away, what do you think about your relationship? Is your partner trying to push you away? If so, it’s time you confronted them about it.

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