128 Cute & Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend to Make Her Smile

If you want to put a smile on her face, you need to learn some cute things to say to your girlfriend. It will make her day and you’ll earn brownie points! 

cute things to say to your girlfriend

Impressing a girl and pursuing her may be the first step in charming her and getting her to go out with you. But, a relationship is more than just the chase. As much as the big shows of affection matter in a relationship, it’s the little things that really count. If you want to keep the lady in your life happy and let her know how much you care about her, you should memorize some cute things to say to your girlfriend and use them on a regular basis.

Now, that doesn’t mean you should throw them into every conversation. Sometimes overkill does nothing for romance!

However, letting her know how much you care about her with a few well-thought-out words is a great way to help her understand that the relationship is special to you.

[Read: How to make your girlfriend happy and & feel like the luckiest girl ever]

Why say romantic things to your girlfriend?

Now, before you get into saying cute things to your girlfriend at the drop of a hat or just listing these things off like you’re reading the dictionary out loud, listen up.

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You are saying romantic things to your girlfriend because you mean them. You aren’t trying to manipulate her, get her into bed, get her to forgive you, or pressure her.

When you say these things, it should be because they are how you truly feel. You may just need a little help with the articulation.

And that is what this list is for. You love your girlfriend and want to say romantic things to her but just don’t know how to string these lovely sounding words together at the perfect moment. Well, hopefully, this will help. [Read: Learn how to tell a girl how you feel about her and share your feelings truthfully]

The do’s and don’ts of sweet talk

Okay, coming up with cute things to say to your girlfriend is one thing, but delivering them in the right way is quite another! Here are a few things you should do versus the things you shouldn’t do.

1. Do choose words you’re comfortable with

Below you’ll see a list of romantic and cute things to say to your girlfriend, but not all of them will feel right to you.

Opt for examples that sum up your girlfriend and your relationship. Don’t simply churn out lines because you think it’s the right thing to say.

Also, if something seems cheesy to you, it probably will to her too, so don’t use that one! Remember, every one of us is unique, and what may seem romantic to one could seem awkward and corny to someone else, so choose the lines that connect with you. [Read: How to please your girlfriend and make her feel loved and lucky]

2. Don’t overdo it – Less is more

We’ve already touched upon this, but don’t use cutesy lines all the time. They won’t mean anything if you overdo it. Instead, choose your moment and make sure it’s a time when she will appreciate them.

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For example, if she’s having a hard time at work, a well-timed text with some loving words will make her feel better and let her know that you’re supporting her.

3. Do be sincere

It’s no good saying cute things to your girlfriend if you can’t do it without laughing. At least make sure you have a straight face but always be sincere! T

hese words are going to be important to your girlfriend, so take the time to say them with meaning. Which leads us to …

4. When choosing cute things to say to your girlfriend, don’t say things you don’t mean

You might think these are just lines but your girlfriend will no doubt take you at face value and assume that you mean what you’re saying.

Why shouldn’t she? That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. Only say what you mean. That links us back to the first tip on our list, only saying things you’re comfortable with. [Read: 50 super sweet things to say to your girlfriend in a text and awww her]

5. Do choose your moment

There are times in life when even the cutest line isn’t going to cut it. If your girlfriend is in the middle of a panic, stress, upset, or something else that’s not going to make your words go down as well as they should, hold off.

Also, don’t say these things in public!

The beautiful thing about coming up with cute things to say to your girlfriend is that it’s for the two of you, to bring you closer. [Read: 67 sweet yet small romantic gestures for everyday life]

Cute things to say to your girlfriend and make her day

Wouldn’t you feel all warm and fuzzy to know you’re appreciated or when you’re complimented about something?

Your girlfriend feels the same way too.

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Especially when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and sweet sentences make a much more meaningful impact.

Want to make your girlfriend blush with delight with just a sentence? Look no further than these cute things to say to your girlfriend with a truly romantic edge. [Read: How to compliment a girl and make her blush]

1. You make me believe in soul mates.

2. You give meaning to my life.

3. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. [Read: How your first love affects your future relationships]

4. How do you look so beautiful all the time?

5. You make me feel so lucky when I’m around you.

6. You always know how to surprise me.

7. You’re the reason my life feels so perfect. [Read: The complete guide to writing an unforgettable love letter]

8. You look so cute when you laugh.

9. You brighten up my day every time I see you.

10. I dreamt of you last night.

11. I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.

12. I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you. [Read: What does eye contact mean to a guy?]

13. I love the way you smell.

14. You make me feel so happy when I’m with you, my jaws hurt.

15. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.

16. You are such a good dancer. [Read: 25 things that turn a girl on sexually about a guy]

17. You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my mind.

18. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

19. I feel so happy just spending time with you.

20. You’re my best friend.

21. You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile. [Read: How to smile more often: 6 Baby steps to change your life forever]

22. You’re perfect and just the way I like it.

23. You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.

24. You make me feel weak in the knees when I touch you.

25. I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past. [Read: How to think like a woman and impress a girl]

26. I wish I could have met you years ago.

27. Just hearing your voice in the morning makes my day.

28. Your cute smile makes me melt.

29. The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you.

30. You’ve made my dreams come true.

31. I haven’t met a person who’s as nice and caring as you.

32. I love you so much I can’t explain it even if I tried. [Read: When should you say ‘I love you’ for the first time?]

33. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.

34. I love the way your skin feels so soft when I run my hands over it.

35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

36. Don’t ever change, because I love you just the way you are. [Read: When should you say “I love you” for the first time?]

37. You make me feel like an excited child at a theme park when I’m with you.

38. It hurts me more to see you sad.

39. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.

40. You make me want to be a better man just so I can be more worthy of your love. [Read: 20 traits of a real man that you should have]

41. I get butterflies in my stomach when you run your hands against my face.

42. You look so beautiful and angelic, I feel like I’d dirty you just by touching you.

43. I think God was high when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection. [Read: The right way to be chivalrous and impress a girl]

44. You’re the one thing I’m most thankful for having in my life.

45. I love the way you say you love me when I kiss you goodnight over the phone.

46. I love the way your hair feels as I run my fingers through them.

47. I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.

48. I want to kiss every inch of you. [Read: 20 dirty questions to ask a girl and make her wet]

49. I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

50. I love you so much I could worship you.

51. To have you as my girlfriend is an honor. I couldn’t ask for anything more. [Read: Shakespeare love quotes – 40 wise words from the bard]

52. Be with me, and I promise to be the best boyfriend.

53. I’ve never been a fan of love, but you made me believe that true love really does exist.

54. I’ve been told that love hurts, but with you, I’m willing to take the risk.

55. I’ve waited my whole life to find you.

56. You are the desire of my heart and soul. [Read: 10 biggest dating turn offs for girls]

57. I have a confession to make: The moment you stepped into the room, I just knew we had to be together.

58. I have to tell you something: When I first saw you, I was breathless and I just had to meet you and know you.

59. There’s no question about it: destiny brought us together.

60. I don’t get attached too easily, but all that changed when I met you.

61. I promise to love you honestly and truly.

62. I thought I had it all figured out, but then you came, and everything else started not to make sense anymore. Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way. [Read: 11 things I learned from falling in and out of love]

63. I saw you and thought, “Man, she’s perfect.” Then I knew you were not perfect—and that made me love you even more.

64. I’d love to wake up next to you every morning!

65. I now know I can’t live without you. Be with me always, will you?

66. You just make every day so much more fun and beautiful. [Read: How to be a better boyfriend: The best she’s ever had]

67. Thank you for being there for me. I don’t know what I’d be without you.

68. All I really need is you, right here beside me.

69. I thought about you all day. Tomorrow, it’s going to be the same, but I don’t mind.

70. Words just aren’t enough to tell you how great you are, so if I forget what to say, just remind me to kiss you.

71. You’re amazing, you’re the most amazing person I’ve met, and I love you. [Read: How to know if you’ve met the one already]

72. Life always gets better with you. Thank you, my love!

73. I love the way you understand my thoughts even before I open my mouth.

74. Every time I look at you, I fall in love with you again and again.

75. I love you for how you make me feel and how you make me want to be when I’m with you.

76. I love you forever and always. [Read: Different ways to say I love you without saying a word]

77. You’re always on my mind, and I can’t wait ‘til our next date.

78. I’ve been thinking about you—and that smile. I miss you, and I’m sorry.

79. I’m sorry if I get jealous sometimes. Please understand, you’re mine and only mine… as I am yours.

80. I wanted to hold your hand and shield you from the troubles, but if I caused you any pain, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

81. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. I love you. [Read: How to apologize to a girl when you know you messed up]

82. Sorry if I’m quite an asshole sometimes. But that doesn’t mean I love you. I do, so much. Please forgive me.

83. My life just has no meaning without you in it. Please take me back.

84. You’re the reason why I breathe, smile, live. Without you, life will just be a bore. Please forgive me.

85. I close my eyes, I think of you. I open them, I think of you. And I can’t stand that we’re like this. Let’s just makeup and forget the fight. I’m sorry. [Read: 17 aww-so-sweet ways to genuinely say you’re sorry]

86. Life without you is like a broken pencil—pointless. Please forgive me and come back.

87. Darling, I just can’t stand that we’re fighting. How about let’s talk about it?

88. Throughout everything, you’ve been there for me, and I’m sorry to have hurt you this way. Let me make it up to you.

89. I know we’ve said things we didn’t mean, but I’m willing to work it out with you.

90. I can’t stand not hearing your voice.

91. Talking to you just makes my day.

92. I just can’t do anything without thinking of you. [Read: Do I love her? 33 signs to discover your true feelings]

93. How long are we going to still be apart? I miss you, and I can’t stand it.

94. I can wait for an eternity to be with you.

95. I’m waiting for you at home. I miss you, my love.

96. A piece of my heart is always missing when you’re not here with me.

97. Even if I’m the busiest person in the world, I’d always find time to let you know how much I miss you.

98. Even if we spend the whole day together, I end up missing you the moment you leave.

99. When it rains, you don’t see the sun, but it’s there. I hope we can be like that. We won’t always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.

100. I wish you were holding me tight in your arms tonight. [Read: 20 stuck in love quotes that make you long for them more]

101. No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you because I honestly want no one else.

102. It’s everything about you that makes the distance and the wait so worth it.

103. Just remember this: The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss.

104. It’s so hard to be away from you, but thinking about you is now making me hard! [Read: 30 ways to feel closer to your girlfriend]

105. You’re so sexy and lovely. You make me think dirty thoughts.

106. I want to make you feel good.

107. You’re amazing, and I want to have amazing sex with you tonight.

108. I want to show you just how much I love you.

109. Let me know what I mean when I say, “You’re hot!”

110. I can still remember how great you feel.

111. I could just rip off your clothes piece by piece to see that amazing body of yours.

112. Making love to you is so exciting. I can’t wait to do it again. [Read: 30 hot, sexting examples to start a naughty text marathon]

113. I love how your skin feels next to mine.

114. I can’t wait to be with you tonight and do the things I’ve been thinking of doing to you.

115. I am yours, and you can do me however you want.

116. I love your lips, your cheeks, your neck, every inch of your body.

117. I plan on being with you forever and ever.

118. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else but you, nor do I want to.

119. You’re the only woman I want to share the rest of my life with. [Read: 20 questions to ask each other before getting married]

120. When I look into your eyes, I can see us forever.

121. Life offers many challenges, but I know I can face them all if you’re willing to face them with me.

122. If we’re that lucky to have found each other, I know we’re worth betting on for life. Will you take that gamble with me?

123. When I met you, I knew for sure I’d found my match. It was only a matter of time before we arrived at this very moment. Will you marry me? [Read: How to know when you’re in love: 50 signs you can’t ignore]

124. You’re absolutely great, and you deserve the best. You deserve someone who will love you forever. Will you let me be the one?

125. My life was empty until you came and filled it with love. Now, will you spend your life with mine?

126. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it. Will you marry me?

127. I promise you, no one else will work so hard to make you happy and cherish you more than me. I love you.

128. Here’s a plan. Ten years from today, we’ll tell our kids the story of how I proposed to you.

[Read: Make them swoon: 20 swoon-worthy romantic words]

Want to test these romantic and cute things to say to your girlfriend? Just text any of these lines to her right now, and you’ll know just how well these sentences work within minutes!

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