120 Funny “This or That” Questions About Sex, Food & Life to Have a Laugh
From foodie questions to the down and dirty truth about sex, we’re looking at 120 really fun “this or that” questions about sex, life, and food.
Sex questions are hot. Admit it, sometimes you get horny just asking them out loud! As humans, we are drawn to questions about sexuality and preferences – all the more so when they contain a freaky twist or hilarious undertone! That’s why we’re looking at “this or that” questions designed to get to know more about your crush’s tendencies in the sack, their love for food, and their thoughts on life.
“This or that” questions are fantastic to play with friends, crushes, long-term lovers, marriage mates, or even your family *if you’re totally down for a lot of TMI*.
Gather a group of friends together, or snuggle up with your love and go back and forth revealing your innermost this or that responses – with some pretty hilarious results.
Want to know if your crush would get down with some anal lovin’, or whether they’d prefer a plate of sushi over a steak dinner? We’re looking at 120 “this or that” questions that’ll knock your socks off. [Read: 100 juicy, sexual questions to ask friends & have a fun, naughty time]
“This or That” Questions about Sex
We aren’t even going to make you wait for it! We’re getting straight to the questions you want to ask… or at least the naughty ones you want to read about!
Besides, what’s more tantalizing than getting to know your crush’s sexual quirks? We’ve come up with a list of 40 love and sex-related “this or that” questions you definitely want to know the answers to.
1. Erection lost during sex, or she gets her period during sex?
2. Tongue or no tongue?
3. Parent walks in on you masturbating, or walking in on your parent masturbating?
4. Sex in the woods or sex in a cab?
5. Girth or length? [Read: Different types of penises: 18 shapes & ones that feel oh-so-good or meh inside you]
6. Give or receive oral?
7. Oral for hours or quickie penetration?
8. Boobs or bum?
9. Handcuffs or blindfolds?
10. Violent fetish lover or cold fish lover?
11. Sex toys or masturbating?
12. Phone sex or dirty texts? [Read: How to dirty talk: 36 sexy tips & 55 examples to turn anyone on with words]
13. Lingerie or fully naked?
14. Oral or anal?
15. Rabbit vibrator or vibrating bullet?
16. Legs or neck?
17. Sex once a week or sex 3 times a day, EVERY day?
18. Astroglide or spit and go?
19. Makeup or bare face? [Read: 90 sexy & dirty would you rather questions to make anyone horny AF]
20. Celebrity crush sex or real life crush sex?
21. Sleep with a virgin or have someone take your virginity?
22. Toes in the mouth or tits in the mouth?
23. Loud sex from your neighbors, or YOU’RE the loud neighbors?
24. Dirty books or dirty movies?
25. Doggy style or yoga pose? [Read: 49 naughty & freaky sex questions for couples to keep the spark alive]
26. Bare or trimmed?
27. Tall or short?
28. Blonde or brunette?
29. Sexy strip tease or dirty talk?
30. Cowgirl or missionary? [Read: 20 subtle, arousing questions to ask a girl & make her really wet in 15 mins!]
31. Regret sleeping with someone or regret never trying?
32. Dominant partner or submissive partner?
33. Girl’s bush so hairy she can braid it, or girlfriend with a big mustache?
34. Sex in front of your parents or never have sex again?
35. Older partner or younger partner?
36. Wrinkly vagina or saggy breasts? [Read: 156 sexy, dirty questions to ask a guy & make him horny just listening to you]
37. Small penis or premature ejaculator?
38. Spit or swallow?
39. Tinder or coffee shop hookups?
40. Marry your very first boyfriend/girlfriend, or never get married? [Read: 60 get-to-know-you questions for a new romance]
Foodie Questions
Food your lover likes will say a lot about what kind of person they are. For example, what kind of person would take the last brownie bite without asking? A monster, that’s who!
Find out if your crush has these malicious tendencies by sneaking him or her a tricky ‘this or that’ proposal. After all, food can tell you a lot about a person, so why not ask?
Whether you’re trying to plan a romantic dinner in the kitchen, or deciding where to book reservations for your next date, these “this or that” questions are definitely worth the ask.
41. Strawberries or cherries?
42. Coffee or tea?
43. Lasagna or ravioli? [Read: How well do you know me? 40 fun questions that bring couples closer!]
44. Cookies or brownies?
45. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
46. Sushi or burger?
47. Beer or wine?
48. Sweet or savory?
49. McDonalds or Burger King?
50. Chicken or beef?
51. Sugar or sweetener?
52. Eggs or pancake breakfast?
53. Candy or cookies? [Read: 100 fun & deep questions to ask your best friend and bond like real BFFs]
54. Potato chips or corn chips?
55. Chocolate-covered strawberries, or chocolate-covered me?
56. Coffee or tea?
57. Salsa or queso dip?
58. Water or soda?
59. Scrambled eggs or sunny side up?
60. Popsicles or ice cream?
61. Coke or Pepsi? [Read: 250 fun, deep relationship questions for couples to feel closer & more loved]
General “This or That” Questions
Looking for something a little less nuanced in the “this or that” questions department? Sometimes it’s nice to ask a silly get-to-know-you question to your partner to tone down that sexually cranked atmosphere!
Here’s a list of 26 generic questions ranging everywhere from who their favorite parent is, what they like to watch, all the way to how they like to travel.
62. Mullet or handlebar moustache?
63. Xbox or PlayStation?
64. The Simpsons or Family Guy? [Read: 134 smart & very funny would you rather questions to leave you ROFL]
65. Mornings or nights?
66. Aerobics or cardio?
67. Spring or summer?
68. Hot or cold?
69. Text or call?
70. Computer or video games?
71. Shower or bath?
72. Historic vacation or beach destination? [Read: 71 friendly, funny questions to get to know someone in a happy way]
73. Movie Theatre or Netflix?
74. B&B or hotel?
75. Rain or snow?
76. 5-star or hostel?
77. Comedy or drama?
78. Friends or family?
79. Batman or Superman? [Read: 108 casual-yet-deep questions to ask a guy to get to know him in minutes!]
80. Kids or pets?
81. Hot tub or swimming pool?
82. X or Instagram?
83. Beer that’s too warm or neer that’s too cold?
84. Mom or dad?
85. Bikini or one-piece?
86. Tattoos or piercings?
87. Boxers or briefs?
[Read: 78 good questions to ask people & be a great conversationalist]
Funny Questions
If you’re looking for a fun and light-hearted way to engage with your partner or friends, these “This or That” questions are a fantastic choice. They’re great for breaking the ice, lightening the mood, or just sharing a few laughs. Whether you’re on a road trip or just hanging out, these quirky and amusing questions are sure to bring smiles and chuckles.
88. Zombies or aliens?
89. Toilet paper: over or under?
90. Time travel to the past or future?
91. Invisibility or super strength?
92. Always sing out of tune or always dance off-beat?
93. Fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
94. Be a wizard or a superhero?
95. Talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
96. Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
97. Have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?
98. Be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?
99. Have a permanent clown face or permanent clown clothes?
100. Have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?
101. Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent? [Read: How to be funny: 28 must-know tips to make everyone love your humor]
102. Fight a kangaroo or wrestle a bear?
103. Have a nose like Pinocchio or ears like Dumbo?
104. Live without music or without television?
105. Only eat spicy food or never eat sweet food again?
106. Wear a snowsuit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?
107. Always smell like garlic or like a skunk?
108. Have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
109. Be able to talk to plants or have plants talk to you?
110. Live in a world where everyone skips instead of walks or where everyone sings instead of talks?
111. Be constantly itchy or constantly dizzy?
112. Live in a giant shoe or a giant peach?
113. Have a permanently clogged nose or a piece of popcorn stuck between your teeth forever?
114. Fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? [Read: 99 weird, funny questions to ask a guy to show off your fun & playful side]
115. Be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three giant men with bad breath?
116. Have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?
117. Always have to enter rooms by announcing your name or always have to high-five everyone you meet?
118. Have edible spaghetti hair that regrows every night or sweat maple syrup?
119. Have a permanent unibrow or no eyebrows at all?
120. Be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?
They’re Sure to Add a Twist of Fun to Any Conversation!
There you have it, from down and dirty to funny and flirty, these were 120 totally nosy questions designed to get to know your crush, partner, or friends better. Whether you’re in the early stages of a relationship or deepening the bond with long-time friends, these questions bridge gaps and fill silences with laughter and insight.
[Read: 33 easy ways to meet new people & widen your social circle effortlessly]
So, the next time you find yourself in need of a conversation spark or just want to share a laugh, remember these questions. Might as well bookmark these “this or that” questions for your next gathering, road trip, or cozy evening in. They’re sure to add a twist of fun to any conversation!
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