12 Signs a Man Is Emotionally Connected to You & Wants to Be the One

Having someone open up to you is a wonderful feeling, but does that make him The One? Look for these signs a man is emotionally connected to you.

Emotions are powerful things. They can make us feel like we’re on top of the world or as low as we can get. The thing is, emotions make us human. When we learn to open up to someone, the opportunities for exploration are endless. Not everyone finds it easy to be emotionally vulnerable though. So, it makes it even more special when you spot the signs a man is emotionally connected to you.

But, does being connected on an emotional level really mean it’s true love? Is this person The One? Not necessarily.

The love or loves of our lives?

Most of us love more than one person in our lifetimes. We experience heartache, pain, joy, happiness, pride. Everything you can imagine with this person. Then something happens and it ends. We grieve, we wallow, we move on, and the cycle repeats. Life is a funny old thing, right?

[Read: Why it’s time to ditch the guy who is using you]

When you notice signs a man is emotionally connected to you, this one could be for keeps. How do you know? You don’t! That’s the terrifying thing about love! It’s all pot luck and chance, but if you spot these signs, you’re at least part of the way to finding out.

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12 clear signs a man is emotionally connected to you

Remember this isn’t necessarily true of all men. Most men find it difficult to really open up at first. It happens gradually over time, and trust must first be obtained. So, if you notice these signs a man is emotionally connected to you, you might be onto a good thing!

#1 He talks to you about life’s bigger subjects. If a guy is opening up to you and talking about life in general, e.g. his beliefs, his opinions, having deep and meaningful talks about bigger subjects, it’s a good sign that he is becoming more emotionally connected. Most guys reserve these kinds of chats for those they trust. [Read: How to emotionally connect with a man and find a deeper connection]

#2 He opens up about his family. Come on, most of us have a few skeletons in our closets, and it usually pertains to family! If a guy tells you about his family and includes details that aren’t so happy or bright, it’s certainly a big sign of connection.

#3 He tells you a secret. I’m not talking about some weak secret here, something not at all important. I’m talking about something big, something he doesn’t tell everyone, something he’s perhaps embarrassed or shy about, or something he’s scared of. Being able to trust someone to tell them a secret is a big thing for everyone, but especially for a guy. [Read: 34 easy ways to bond and build a closer relationship]

#4 You’re his ‘go-to’ during times of need. This doesn’t mean you’re the one who always has to clean up his messes. If he needs to talk because of something that’s happened, or he’s in trouble generally, you’re the one he comes to for help. He trusts you. He knows you care in return, and his emotions are laid bare for you to see. This is definitely one of the bigger signs a man is emotionally connected to you.

#5 He shows outward signs of emotion. Not all men find it easy to cry. Some do, some don’t. But, if a guy cries in front of you, even just a tiny watering of the eyes, that’s a big thing. It doesn’t have to be tears. Outward signs of emotion can be a wobbling lip, a look that says ‘that meant something,’ or a hug which held on just a few seconds longer than normal.

#6 He cares what you think. Is he always asking your opinion on things? That’s because your opinion is the one that matters most. He cares about what you think about him and the things going on in his life. This can be anything from his outfit, to whether he should go for a new job or not, to what color car he should buy! [Read: 25 signs he loves you even if he doesn’t say it out loud]

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#7 He worries about you generally. One of the most wonderful feelings is having someone worry about you in general. It shows that they care about you. One of the signs that a man is emotionally connected to you is that he worries about you, be it your health, something going on in your life, why you’re not smiling, why you seemed down, etc.

Being emotionally connected works both ways. It doesn’t just mean he trusts you enough to open up. He wants to know what’s going on with you too.

#8 He wants to know you’re eating/you got home safely, etc. Alongside worrying about you, if a guy is concerned about whether you’ve had a good night’s sleep, whether you’ve eaten today, or calls to ask if you arrived home safely, that shows he cares on a deeper level. It means he’s connected with his emotions too. [Read: Sure signs your guy is smitten with you]

#9 Fights don’t last long. It’s unrealistic to expect to never fight. When you do have an argument, one of the signs a man is emotionally connected to you is that the fight doesn’t fester. The guy doesn’t want to fight and argue. He wants serene and happy. His goal is to see you smile, not frown.

He might not always apologize, but he probably will in some way. Remember, it takes trust and a certain comfort level to be able to say ‘I’m sorry,’ especially for someone who is proud or stubborn in general.

#10 He is protective of you. A guy feels like he should protect the one he’s with. But he will only do it if he cares about them. If your guy is gentle with you, always looking out for you, and never lets anyone say a bad word about you, you’re onto a good thing! I’m not suggesting he should offer to fight if someone says one bad thing about you or looks at you in the wrong way, but sticking up for you and always being your biggest fan are huge signs.

#11 He remembers the small details. Does he remember your favorite color? Your favorite food? Does he remember how you like your food cooked? These small details aren’t remembered by everyone. They’re only remembered by those who care with their emotions laid bare.

Perhaps a small detail will come up in a conversation, e.g. ‘I know you like green.’ It’s up to you to spot it, because it will be so small. He will think it’s so insignificant, but it’s actually a huge deal when someone remembers these tiny details. [Read: The revealing signs that he truly loves you back]

#12 He lets his guard down around you. All of us care about what other people think, whether we want to admit it or not. If he lets his guard and doesn’t mind being silly with you, it means he’s comfortable. He trusts you and feels safe enough to be his real self. That’s emotional connection right there!

[Read: 11 signs you found your soul mate, the one who completes you]

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If you’re continually spotting these signs a man is emotionally connected to you, then you have a smitten kitten on your hands! Whether he will turn out to be The One or not remains to be seen. 

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